Tomatometers=4,4 of 5. Subtitle=Steal from dungeons and escape. I HATE the Christmas update. It was good before. Please tell me it’ll go back to normal soon! I didn’t even wanna update, but it wouldn’t let me play until I did, and it wouldn’t even let me update for a few days, so I wasn’t able to play and a bunch of my gold and one of my gems got stolen and I couldn’t do anything and the stupid raiding houses through chimneys got me to blow all my orbs avoiding the red guards and I ran out I didn’t get any treasure how could anyone get through all 25 houses anyway? And they shuffle the presents and I thought that it was like following the cups with your eyes and choosing which one had the ball but no it was just random and also a while back you got rid of the option to report some dungeons as impossible because there are some seriously sketchy ones and I am NOT just saying that out of spite I would try to check the dungeon solution for those when I gave up and the game would disconnect that also happens a lot when I’m trying to retrieve guild members gems I would be on, like, my 20th try and just when I’m about to get close the frickin’ thing disconnects and it counts it as a failure Also traps for new dungeons and upgrading traps is way too expensive and they’re not even that good AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. device=Apple Ipod. Score=4909 Vote. version=2.27. creators=ZeptoLab UK Limited.
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